Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Encouraging words

One of our 2008 grads dropped by on Friday, then sent a follow-up e-mail. She has not found full-time job in journalism yet, but she is taking such an upbeat look at a dismal job market that I thought this was worth sharing (with her permission):

The truth is, you graduate college thinking you'll have a full time job w/ benefits lined up right afterwards but that's just really not the case for most people anymore. It may take a bit longer. I think the sooner they realize that that's OK, i think the more prepared they'll begin to feel.

A job right after college doesn't necessarily have to be with a prestigious daily working as a reporter. It could be interning or freelancing at a neighborhood weekly or monthly magazine which can help get your foot in the door to something bigger later on. Even if this contract job doesn't pan out for me, I know I made enough contacts with the people that I worked with. They're keeping an eye out for positions for me, and I can continue to freelance.

I'm not going to lie, for a while I was pretty desperate. But then I realized it was going to be OK and that my prior vision for the future was a bit skewed. Once I adjusted it, I realized I could still do the same things I wanted to do (writing) but just not exactly in the same forum I had expected, at least for now until the job market picks up and I have more of a choice. Unfortunately, we don't have the luxury to be picky. While a full time job with benefits is ideal, contract work and freelancing is pretty cool too-- I'm enjoying it.

From my experience though, employers in our industry are looking for people who are really active in social media, so facebook, twitter, linkedin, delicious, digg, ning etc. and they want people who blog. Any experience using it in a business perspective is a HUGE plus.

She also shared some of the links that have led her to freelance and contract work, which I've posted at our job-hunting site.

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