Friday, October 3, 2008

It's (never) gonna happen

Baseball axiom from Wrigley Field last night, penned by Mike Nadel of Gatehouse News Service: It is impossible to field a ground ball with both hands clasped firmly around one's neck.

On mornings like this, I look at the sign on my office door, which has hung there since the day after Brant Brown dropped a fly ball in September 1998: "Being a Cubs fan is like being hit over the head with a mallet every day. After a while you become numb -- but it still hurts in the gut." - Eddie Gold, Chicago Sun-Times

Then I fire up that OTHER Steve Goodman song, the one not sung by drunken frat boys in Wrigleyville: "A Dying Cub Fan's Last Request."

And I realize I fell for it again. AGAIN. To mix sports metaphors: Like every other time, Lucy pulled the football away.


Anonymous said...

So it's come to this: I'm defending the future of the Cubs. But the five-game series is ripe for the turnaround, as I lived through as an adopted Oakland A's fan in just about every year of the early '00s.

Then again, if Fukodome is still playing come Saturday, I'd like to welcome you to the offseason.

Anonymous said...

Never mind.

Jim Killam said...

There are a million good story ideas from this. Such as, the pathology of being a Cub fan. People give up on other, more important commitments like jobs and marriages. Why, with this unblemished track record of betrayal, do people not give up on the Cubs? A reporter could talk to some psychologists, counselors, etc., and come up with a pretty interesting story.